25 weeks! :D

25 weeks!! This week has been great :)
Feeling pretty good! Compared to a lot of women I have lucked out during this pregnancy, (knock on wood).
Comparing this pregnancy to when I was pregnant with Kaina is like night and day.
This pregnancy has been so nice and calm. No morning sickness or anything too bad. When I was pregnant with Kaina I had morning sickness, super dizziness , high blood pressure and even had pneumonia for a few weeks during the summer. So, for this pregnancy I am feeling super blessed and happy. :)

                  So, so happy :) 

I am so lucky to have such a great support system! Eddie and Kaina are so supportive and amazing :)

                         I <3 him
                      Beautiful girl!

Happy, blessed - even if I'm having a hard day I'm trying to stay as positive as possible. I want little E to have as many positive vibes as possible before he is a part of this crazy world.

Walking, walking, walking. I have started doing 100 squats per day, minimum. 
Squats supposedly make your labor easier... So, I'm doing lots ;)
                (I started on day 9)

Lots of body aches, headaches, sore gums and heartburn. 
Carpel tunnel... I'll save that symptom for next week if I still have it.
Nothing too bad - for the most part I feel great!
All of this beautiful weather has been making me so happy! I'm also really lucky that I don't feel hot all of the time yet. I still feel cold a lot of the time - fingers crossed it stays that way.

Not really too many cravings or aversions. I have noticed that I don't want to eat as much as I used to. I still want lots of protein, and drinking a gallon of water a day (at least).
I've been trying to stay away from sweets... That's easier said than done ;)

    (Kaina making me a rootbeer float)

Nothing really new. 
I'm going to buy the fabric for curtains sometime this week. I have my baby shower in 2 weeks! 

Until next week, beautiful people! :)

            (Some random pictures)

     I hope you all have a fabulous week!! 
                Happy 4th of July!


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