6 months!!
I can't believe my little love is 6 months old! He is such a total blessing! I can't believe I lived so much of my life without him.
Here are some other pictures from the last few months :)
Right now he weighs about 16.5 - 17 pounds! He has tripled his birth weight in 6 months. Not bad!
He can sit up, but can't sit himself up. He rolls over and can move himself around pretty good like that. 😉
He laughs like crazy (which I love)!
He only woke up once last night! It was at 4 am to eat and then he was right back to bed in his pack n play.
It felt so good to sleep!!
I took these photos using my iPhone, timer and afterlight to edit.
Akaina colored her hair green! It looks so cute :)
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