23 weeks: 17 to go!
23 weeks!! Only 17 weeks (or less), and I will be holding my sweet baby Eddie. I cannot believe how fast the time is flying by!
I went to the doctor today for my normal check-up and everything looks great.
My blood pressure was still in the normal range!! Yay!
At my next appointment I have to do the glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. :p
I was almost ten minutes late to my appointment because for some reason I thought I could get from Arlington to Everett in 15 minutes... Doh!
10 pound weight gain... I gained 5 pounds since my last appointment 5 weeks ago! :/ I was kind of upset about this until my DR explained that it was good that I had gained weight because I did not have a major weight gain before this. During this 5 weeks is when I really started "popping" and have felt my stomach getting bigger.
I am measuring right on track for 23 weeks :)
I have had a lot of people comment that my stomach isn't very big for how far along I am so I asked my DR about that & he said that I'm as big as I need to be. Everyone carries differently, some show really soon and some take awhile, all that matters is a healthy baby in the end. :o)
Food cravings/aversions:
I've been craving red meat. Tonight for dinner Eddie BBQ'd some New York steaks and they were the best things I've ever eaten.
I haven't really been avoiding anything (obviously, from the 5# weight gain).
Happy!! Every time I think about my little Eddie I get so happy. It's almost overwhelming :)
Insomnia. I'm writing this at 3:30 am because I just can't sleep.
Heartburn - Tums go with me everywhere now.
Headaches. Pretty sure it's just allergies.
Backaches. I get weekly massages now :D
None of these are too bad - I'm really lucky because it could be one million percent worse.
Walking, walking, walking. I swear I'm going to start up yoga again this Wednesday... ;)
Last night Eddie and Akaina painted the nursery gray. It looks so good!
Next step is making curtains for the closet and a valance for the window. I'm thinking of this dark linen:
I can't wait to post pics when it's all done :D
We haven't really purchased anything new for Cinco - I don't think we will until after our baby showers.
Eddie's Mom did buy little E these shoes to match his Daddy's:
How cute!! Can't wait :D
Well, until next week... :o)
Kristi your blog is so cute and informative! :-) I can't wait to hold little cinco!! Love you all...Nana