Our little hell Raezer (aka Ricky), was born 6/2/2016 at 5:18 am!
He's so perfect <3
Like, serious. ;-)
This pregnancy was a little rough from the beginning. Lots of worry over miscarriage, baby's health and my health. I hate the fact that I have high blood pressure :-/
This pregnancy was hard. I think it's because I was chasing Eddie around too.
(Hard to see, but this is right after he was born)
Ok, so Monday night I started feeling contractions that were a little intense but not bad compared to what I knew they could be. They were strong enough to keep me up for two hours monitoring them. Tuesday I had a dr appointment and my BP was slightly elevated. So my dr decided to schedule me to be induced at 39 weeks (6/6). He checked for dilation and I was only 1.5. Then he did the membrane strip (ugh! Super painful).
I was contracting off and on all day Tuesday. I also made this "labor inducing" eggplant Parmesan. Well, Eddie made it because I felt so bad. Tuesday night I barely slept because I was having contractions every 10-15 minutes all night long. Wednesday I woke up and still felt crampy. I had a few orders I had to get out so I spent all morning sewing and mailed stuff out. It's funny because I was like "ok, now that my projects are done the baby can come"... Then I came home and started working on another project. By this point my contractions were about 7-10 minutes apart. When Eddie got home we went to Costco at about 4:30. Walking around I felt like I really needed to start timing them for real. They were strong enough to make me feel like I couldn't walk at some points. They were about 3-4 minutes apart at this point. We got home and contractions were getting longer and more painful. By 8:30 I told Eddie we need to go to the hospital. We called my mom and she came over with Eddie and Kaina. We were admitted at 9:30 with contractions being 2-3 minutes apart and getting way more intense.
This continued on for what feels like forever! At 2 am I had the nurse check me and I was only at a 5. I was so exhausted and contractions were still 2 minutes apart. I decided to get an epidural so I could sleep. I finally got the epidural at 3 something and it worked for about 10 minutes :-/ then my water broke and stuff got real. The epidural no longer worked and I felt everything but had a numb left leg. Fast forward through all of the crying and me thinking I was in hell to about 5 am. The doctor came in and said I could start pushing. This was weird because I couldn't really feel the urge to push but I felt all the pain? Stupid. Such a weird feeling. I had the nurse bring in a mirror because I wanted to see ;-) fast forward 18 minutes and Ricky was born! I started bawling like s baby. It was SOO cool watching him be born! I totally recommend a mirror :-) That was honestly the hardest thing I have ever been through. It was awful. I guess that Ricky wasn't turned right - his face was facing towards my stomach and not my back. So with every contraction his back was going in to my tailbone. Also, they think that my placenta was tearing away and that's also why I was in so much pain.
If you're reading this and you're still pregnant don't worry! This will not happen to you. Ricky was just a little hell Raezer ;-) he wasn't in the right position to be born and actually was transverse/breech up until 36.5 weeks. He hadn't dropped when I went in to labor so that made it take longer too. And my placenta was up front so that's why it was tearing.
Right after birth everything was great! I hated that I couldn't feel my left leg for hours. I would totally recommend doing a natural child birth. Of course, I'm only saying that because the epidural didn't work ;-)
Alright, but after a hard labor and pregnancy this baby is a dream! Serious. He eats SOOO good and sleeps good too. I know he's only 2 days old now, but I'm thankful that these first two days have been so easy.
Eddie is such an amazing Dad and birth partner. I was literally falling apart during labor and he pulled me back each time. Reminding me that it was almost over and that we would see our son soon. I'm not sure how long he ran hot water on my back in the shower, or how many times he pushed on my tailbone. He was awesome and I think I would have completely fallen apart had he not been there.
I'm so glad it's over and I have my baby!
This also cured my want to ever have another baby ;-) lol
Thanks all for coming on this journey with us again! I'm so excited to raise our little family and see what the future brings!
Love you all!
My mom was such a huge help for us during this whole pregnancy and stayed with Eddie the whole time we were in the hospital. :-) thanks mom!!
Almost forgot to mention the coolest thing!! Ivy Baker was born an hour after Ricky!! So super cool :-)
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