35 weeks!

Happy 35 weeks! Time is flying by! Not too much longer until we get to see our little E and kiss his face! 👏

I had a regular doctors appointment today and my blood pressure was elevated. 150/90 😳
So now I am getting some testing done to rule out preeclampsia.
I get to catch my urine for 24 hours (so fun), blood draw, non stress tests for E and an ultrasound to check the fluid around him.
I also had my Strep B test done and he checked my cervix. I am dilated to a 1 and E is super low 👏 
I've heard of people being at a 2 or 3 for a month, so I'm not worried.

See above 😉 
My mood has been pretty good, but I have my moments (mostly at work), where I think is this really that stressful, or am I just going crazy?!

I gained 9 pounds in 3 weeks... (Sudden rapid weight gain is another sign of preeclampsia).

Pretty much anything that I see someone else eating I want. :) tonight it was popcorn, and I really wanted a banana Popsicle.

I got E's bag and my bag all packed up! Eddie is going to pack soon and Kaina just needs her laptop ;) 

Hopefully we will be able to go in for our non stress test and ultrasound soon, and I hope we get the results from the 24 hour urine soon. 
Wether he comes early, or right on time, within 5 weeks we will have a baby!!

Until next week!!


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