31 weeks!

                      {31 weeks!}
I can't believe we are actually going to have a baby in 9 weeks, or less!

E loves being on my left side! I can feel his butt on the left and his head or shoulders on my right side close to my back. He's been laying sideways and I'm ready for him to turn and get into an up/down position.

31 weeks has hit me hard & made me realize just how pregnant I am. I definitely feel big and uncomfortable at times, but for the most part I think I'm still pretty lucky.

Back pain like crazy! My right side is the worst. Today after just walking around Target my back was aching. This isn't going to fly while waiting tables and bartending. :/

I have gained 20 pounds!!! Scary because I still have 9 weeks to go...

Walking and working.

Nothing new really. I bought a bag for the hospital and have started filling it up. :) there's a super comfy hospital outfit at Destination Maternity that I'm going to get.

have started realizing just how much life is going to change once E is here. While it's going to be exciting it will also be scary. 
I woke up last night and couldn't stop thinking about all of the things that we still need. I'm starting to feel anxious that we won't have everything and/or that we won't be prepared. What calmed me down was thinking of when I had Kaina - everything was ok. :)
This article made me scared, hopeful and happy all at once. I also cried. I remember these feelings:
(I'm posting this so I can read it later).

Waiting outside Providence for our hospital tour. :) (8/6/14)

Saturday night walk with the family. Eddie took over Kaina's scooter and put Porter to work as a sled dog! ;) 
(Me 30 + 6). (8/9/14).

Eddie's Dad, stepmom Angela and sister Lynn came to see us from Wyoming :D
I had to get a picture of Edgar Thomas the 3rd, 4th and 5th together. ;-)

I hope you all have an amazing week!
Things are going to start getting a lot more exciting the closer we get to October ;-)


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